Write to us!

Use the form below to send us a letter.

But, wait! If something goes wrong with the form while you are in the middle of typing it, you may lose what you have written so far. So, first type your letter in a separate document. Limit the length of your letter to 250 words. When you have finished composing your letter, you can copy and paste it into the ‘My letter’ space below.

Important! Don’t forget to click the Submit button above when you are ready to send the letter to us.

* If you don’t have your own email address, you can put in your teacher’s or parent’s email address.

Please note that this form is only for stuff that you would like others to read. If you have something to say that is more private, like a personal problem in your life, please ask us not to publish your name.

If you are not ready to write a letter, maybe you can just answer a couple of simple questions—click here.