Tips on writing

We love receiving your letters. We print a selection of readers’ letters in the Letters pages of our newspaper and right here on this website. If you would like to write to us but are not sure what to say, here are some ideas.

1. Share the things that are making you sad or happy, worried or excited. Life is full of ups and downs and it sometimes helps to write down your feelings and share them with people you trust. Other readers may feel the same way and will be able to learn from your experiences. Give us your real name, class and school when you write to us. If it is a sensitive matter, we will remove your personal details before we print your letter. This is to protect your privacy.

2. Express your thoughts about a story you’ve read in What’s Up. Don’t just repeat the words that are already in the story. Instead, explain why something in the story inspired you, upset you, or confused you. You could do some extra reading about the subject and then share what you have learned. Or, maybe you already know something extra about the topic that you are keen to share.

3. Write about a place you visited recently, or a book you read, or a TV show you watched. Or, you could describe a stimulating school activity or assembly talk. Remember, if it interests you, it interests us!

4. Finally, make sure you never copy phrases or sentences from anywhere, including the internet. Use your own words.

Spend a while thinking about what you want to write. There is no rush. When you are ready, click here.

Give up?

Wait, don’t go away! If you are still not ready to write a letter, how about scribbling a few lines? It’s really simple: click here to find out how.